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Wood Vent Source
Servicing Home Owners & Contractors since 1948

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Welcome to the Wood Vent Source...
A satellite website of
Volko.com  ... A full service building supply ... Online.

Volko Supply was established in 1948 and the web site is a successful effort by the third generation to keep us going forward in years to come.   To learn more about us visit Volko.com

Can you imagine a "Web Site"
with a qualified staff of sales people
 who actually want to talk to you,
well here we are.

Directions @

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Volko Supply Co. Inc.
205 Herricks Road
Garden City Park, N.Y. 11040

Tel 516-741-4466
Fax 516-741-4470

Mon - Fri 7AM - 4PM EST

Please contact us Monday - Friday from 7am to 4pm Eastern Time:

1-800-685-8263 or 1-516-741-4466. Fax : 516-741-4470.

E-mail info@volko.com

We are always searching for new products and expanding to make Volko Supply, Your Source, for home building materials... online.

Full service does still exist, and here the premium is on service not on price.  

Thank you for visiting us, and we look forward to helping you with your project.


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Full service does still exist, and here at Volko Supply,
the premium is on service not on price.

© 2005 Wood Vent Source / Volko Supply Co. Inc