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Wood Vent Source
Servicing Home Owners & Contractors since 1948

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Wood Vents HVAC Covers and Air Registers

Wood Vent Grilles for HVAC Ducts and Cold Air Returns
Floor wall and ceiling applications


Wood heat grilles registers grates and custom wood vents for floor and wall applications

Custom Sizes & Styles

Oak, Maple, Ash & many other species
Unfinished or Pre-Finished

Floor, Wall & Ceilings

Quality, made in the USA

Expert Service, Fast Delivery
Easy Ordering.  Give us a call

Instant quotes

Vents, grilles, grates, registers... what's the difference?  What do I need?

Click for... help in sizing wood vents


Click the links below to see specifications and sizes for Wood Vents. 
Can be made custom to any HVAC duct opening.
Available in Oak, Maple, Cherry, Ash and many others.  Click for choices.

Trimline Flush NO Frame Wood Floor Vent Trimline Flush WITH Frame Wood Floor Vent surface mount wood vent one directional wood vent
Trimline Louver
NO Frame
Trimline Louver
WITH Frame
Trimline Louver
Surface Mount
One Directional
Wood Vents
linear bar wood vents eggcrate wood vents toe kick wood vents wood base vent
Linear Bar
Wood Vents
Wood Vents
Toe Kick
Wood Vents
Baseboard Vents
& Wood Diffusers
 high velocity open wood vent high velocity louvered wood vent Electrical outlet cover for wood floors
High Velocity
Wood Vents
Outlet Cover
for Wood Floors
Adjustable Damper
Box and Slide
Detailed Pictures Wood Types Happy People Comments Help sizing wood vents

We can help you make purchasing wood floor vents, heat grilles, oak vents, grates or registers easy.

Converting a standard white metal vent to a decorative wood vent can enhance the design of any room.

Due to the many varieties and options,  we ask that you e-mail us or call for prices and ordering.  You can go anywhere and toss a vent into a shopping cart.  Can you do that comfortably or easily with customs?  Do you know what you are getting?  What's the quality and construction?  Where is it made, and is it the best for your application?

Volko Supply is here to make sure that what you order is what you need, with optimum value.  Whether it's 1 wood vent or for an entire home, we can help get the job done, quickly.

Compare prices, and see what full service is all about.  We don't need a shopping cart.

Volko Supply can help produce many custom order wood vents. Variations include one directional wood vents for stairwell lighting, wall air returns, and entertainment center speaker faces. Modified egg-crate wood vents have been used in window seats and as light diffusers in ceilings. Pre-finishing is also available as special order work. Use your imagination and email us, or call to see how we can accommodate your needs.  

Call 1-800-685-8263 or e-mail us at info@volko.com 

All wood vents are shipped sanded and clean; ready for on-site finishing or...
factory finished clear or custom stained.

  Don't see a size you are looking for call or e-mail us

Full service does still exist, and here at Volko Supply,
the premium is on service not on price.

© 2005 Wood Vent Source / Volko Supply Co. Inc